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Madrid Barcelona Coimbra (Portugal)
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In Eugin we take your privacy very seriously, and of course, strict compliance with the Data Protection Law. The information is only used in the context of your treatment. Our computer system has the most secure encryption protocols, and complies with the demanding ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 standard.

Where can you find us?

We are delighted to meet you in person and introduce you to the whole medical team at our facilities.


Eugin Barcelona

C/ Balmes, 236
08006 Barcelona

Phone: +34 933 221 122
Suppliers and professionals:
+34 934 446 303

Visit Eugin Barcelona

Eugin Madrid

C/ Alfonso XII 62, Pl. Baja A
28014 Madrid

Phone: +34 913 360 400
Suppliers and professionals:
+34 934 446 303

Visit Eugin Madrid

Eugin Coimbra

Rua Filipe Hodart, 12
3000-185 Coimbra,

Phone: +351 239 120 400

Visit Eugin Portugal

Eugin Barcelona

C/ Balmes, 236
08006 Barcelona

Phone: +34 933 221 122
Suppliers and professionals: +34 934 446 303

Visit Eugin Barcelona

Eugin Madrid

C/ Alfonso XII 62, Pl. Baja A
28014 Madrid

Phone: +34 913 360 400
Suppliers and professionals: +34 934 446 303

Visit Eugin Madrid

Eugin Coimbra

Rua Filipe Hodart, 12
3000-185 Coimbra,

Phone: +351 239 120 400

Visit Eugin Portugal