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Ovarian rejuvenation

Discover the new technique that can help you achieve pregnancy, for women with low ovarian reserve.
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Pregnancy Guarantee

With Eugin Promise, you can have the peace of mind you deserve for your dream.
Check out our pregnancy guarantee program.
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unique families.

Since 1998, we have been helping women like you to fulfil their dream of starting a family. Find out more Make an appointment

Together with Eugin, you can do it too

In order to adapt to your needs, we offer you the most appropriate medical
treatment and emotional support to suit your personal situation:

Which treatment is best for you?

If you still don’t know which treatment suits you best,
we would encourage you to take our free online pre-diagnosis.

Start the pre-diagnosis

Assisted reproduction: experiences of other patients who had the same dreams as you

“I had a wonderful pregnancy and a beautiful baby through egg donation!

A positive result after the third attempt, so we are delighted and very happy. Eugin supported us every step of the way, always discreetly and answered all our questions. Once again, thank you! I hope to be able to help future mothers and couples in taking the first step”.

who became a mother thanks to egg donation

Why choose Eugin?

Leaders in Egg Donation

Leaders in Egg Donation

We were pioneers in implementing this treatment and since 2010, we have helped over 34,000 women become mothers. We offer very competitive prices and, thanks to our own donation programme, we take care of the donors on a personal basis – now with over 15,000 donors from more than 70 countries.

International recognition

International recognition

We have been carrying out innovative assisted reproduction treatments for more than 24 years, and we are also recognised for our medical excellence and our work in scientific research.

Multi-disciplinary and English-speaking team

Multi-disciplinary and English-speaking team

We have professionals who speak your language and are experts in different areas of health: physicians, embryologists, psychologists, R+D+I specialists and many others. This enables us to offer you the best possible service.

We adapt to you

We adapt to you

The wellbeing of our patients comes first. We listen to your needs, study your case and offer you a personalised solution and specialised treatment that suits you. We have no waiting lists, so you choose when to start.

Scientific, safe and cutting-edge
assisted reproduction treatments

Egg donation

This is the most efficient treatment used in assisted reproduction: the success rate is 98% after three attempts. It consists of fertilising the eggs of an anonymous donor with your partner’s or a donor’s sperm and transferring the embryo obtained to your uterus to achieve pregnancy.

When do we recommend it?
If you have tried several times without success using your own eggs, if you are 43 or older, or if you have a genetic disease or a problem with your ovaries.

Egg donation

We ensure the greatest possible similarity between donor and patient thanks to a team specialised in physical and genetic matching.

Egg donation

We rule out numerous hereditary pathologies in donors thanks to genetic tests.

Egg donation

We only perform treatments with egg donors in our centres and we also have our own egg bank.

In Vitro Fertilisation

This treatment allows us to fertilise an egg with a sperm outside the uterus. In addition to egg donation, there are three other possibilities:

FIn Vitro Fertilisation

IVF using your own eggs and your partner's sperm.

In Vitro Fertilisation

IVF using your own eggs and donor sperm.


The ROPA method, for female couples.

Fertility preservation

Egg freezing is a laboratory technique that preserves your current chances of pregnancy until the time when you decide to become a mother.

Artificial Insemination

Using this technique, we place the sperm that we select from a sample inside your uterus. They may be from your partner or from an anonymous donor.

Success rates
in Assisted
Reproduction treatments

Consult our treatment success rates based on the average according to age. Then, make an appointment and one of our specialist doctors will study your case and, thanks to the EXPECTmore artificial intelligence algorithm, will inform you of your real and personalized chances.

Success rates for each assisted reproduction treatment
Type of treatment
  • In Vitro Fertilisation
  • Artificial Insemination
Type of treatment
How old are you?
Slide your cursor to see the results according to age.
years old
In this treatment your age is not a determining factor, as we will use eggs from a young donor who has successfully undergone multiple medical and genetic tests.
Success rate
Data audited by Bureau Veritas

Find out about Eugin’s medical units

To offer you a comprehensive service in reproductive medicine, as well as to care for both women’s and men’s health, we have put our Medical Units at your disposal. These units are staffed by a team of Eugin doctors specialised in each area. Find out more about them!

Endometriosis and reproductive surgery unit

Endometriosis and reproductive surgery unit

We provide you with the best possible medical or surgical treatment, always keeping in mind the reproductive needs and desires of each patient, through minimally invasive surgery.
Reproductive Genetics Unit

Reproductive Genetics Unit

We offer personalised counselling in the detection of genetic diseases, both in those affected as well as in family members who are carriers, and even in cases with no previous history.

Andrology Unit

Our medical specialists will advise you on any aspect related to men's sexual and reproductive health: the study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting male fertility.
Nutrition and dietetics unit

Nutrition and dietetics unit

We strive for the best health and quality of life for our patients through optimal personalised nutrition, by providing the guidance they need.
Gynaecology, obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine unit

Gynaecology, obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine unit

We take care of women's health, comprehensively and at all stages of their lives. We offer full gynaecological and obstetric follow-up with every pregnancy, including specialisation in maternal-fetal medicine on prenatal diagnosis.
Transgender fertility treatment unit

Transgender fertility treatment unit

We serve the LGTBIQ+ community based on our expertise and adapt our services to their needs, including specific treatments for transgender people in the areas of maternity and paternity.

Come and visit us

We would be delighted to meet you in person, show you around our facilities and introduce you to our expert team. Visit us at:

Eugin Barcelona

C/ Balmes, 236

Phone: +34 933 221 122

Suppliers and professionals: +34 934 446 303

Find out more
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Eugin Madrid

C/ Alfonso XII 62, Pl. Baja A

Phone: +34 913 360 400

Suppliers and professionals: +34 934 446 303

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Madrid Barcelona Coimbra (Portugal)
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In Eugin we take your privacy very seriously, and of course, strict compliance with the Data Protection Law. The information is only used in the context of your treatment. Our computer system has the most secure encryption protocols, and complies with the demanding ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 standard.